The title of this article is incorrect because of technical limitations. The correct title is test_map
Test_map is an unused level found in the files of Super Mario 64 DS. As one would expect, the level was used to test several aspects of the game, such as objects and terrain. It notably contains several assets not seen anywhere else in the game, such as the unused character cap boxes. It is the first of 2 test maps, the other being test_map_b, which was used to test the behavior of the Tox Box enemy.
Test_map is a large area filled with several objects used to test features of the game, likely mainly intended for debugging. It's mainly made up of checkerboard textures from Super Mario Sunshine. In the top right of the level, there are tiles with Japanese characters that each have unique terrain effects. At the start of the level is a red Cap Switch with several ? Boxes behind it, each containing a different item. Many other objects such as boxes, Goombas, signs, Star Switches, items on the ground, invisible poles, and the unused box objects that hold caps for certain characters are around the level just to name a few, in a relatively organized fashion. There are also several big pieces of terrain such as ramps, upside down stairs, water, and an array of several tall tiled walls.
Test_map_b is an extremely basic test map in comparison to the other, and as such, has been included in this page instead of getting it's own. It is a large gray checkerboard square with several Tox Boxes on it, and an icon for Bowser's bombs in the corner. This test map is notable because Tox Boxes follow hardcoded paths in Shifting Sand Land, but in this level, they do not, allowing them to roam freely.
In-Game Manifestation[]
In some personalized copies of Super Mario 64 DS, the test maps can be loaded normally through seemingly random means. Sometimes they don't have any changes, and simply appear, potentially due to the Personalization A.I. failing to load a new level and using the test levels as a failsafe. However, some say the levels can actually be manipulated, either having their slot replaced with something entirely new, or being turned into an actual level. This usually consists of the objects being moved around or removed with other objects added. This is more common with the first test map, but it can occur with the second one. Most who encounter this phenomenon say the A.I. attempts to pass off using the first level as naming the level something to indicate a toybox theme, but the other one is much more random, likely due to it having nothing much to it's name.
Anomalous Objects[]
If one were to somehow access a test level in a personalized copy of Super Mario 64 DS, some have claimed that you could find anomalous objects and enemies there that appear in the copy, such as the weight or the piranha vines from the Piranha Pit and Waluigi Mode. This is likely the A.I. adding on to the test level in order to make sure it's new additions are complete. Whether or not it was specifically programmed to do that or "learned" it from the test levels is currently unknown and has been speculated about.